
I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet – Mahatma Gandhi Ji
Sare Jahan Se Achha Hindustan Hamara – Muhammad Iqbal
Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes – Jawaharlal Nehru
Facts are facts and will not disappear on account of your likes – Jawaharlal Nehru
If you live on the river, befriend the crocodile – Indian proverb


While coaching is mainly one to one or one to few on a desired objective, training is done with a large number of learners on a topic with an objective to create awareness on the topic as well as gain expertise required on the specified topic.

A few of the areas we train include:

Workshops on Therapies for PG Learners

Imtiyaaz conducts workshops for PG learners of Psychology, Human Development, social Work and Special Education on various mental health therapies. His workshops are generally interactive and focus on the participant. He makes sure that every participant has a lot of “take aways” from his workshops and the learning raises their level of understanding of the different therapies.

A few programs conducted in the past:

  • School psychology certification programs at Avinashilingam University since 2014
  • Play therapy techniques workshop
  • Cognitive Behavioural Therapy workshops
  • Art Therapy Workshops
  • Solution Focused Therapy Workshops
  • NLP Practitioner Workshops

Workshops will be designed as per the requirements of the college management and the learners. The workshops will be delivered via an interactive mode feasible to create the best learning experience.

Contact us to conduct a workshop or an empowerment program for your PG learners at your campus.

Teacher Expertise Empowerment

We conduct interactive workshops, training programs and webinars for teachers in the areas of emotional, social, and professional relevance. Besides, we firmly believe that an educational institution is only as good as its teachers. Imtiyaaz has many years of experience in conducting successful empowerment programs for teachers across India. If you want to conduct a training program for your teachers, feel free to contact us.

A few programs conducted in the past:

  • Learning styles & Teaching
  • Handling Classroom Behaviors
  • Relationship issues at School
  • Coaching and Counselling Students
  • Understanding Learning Disabilities
  • Helping a Gifted child
  • Friendly Teaching Environment

Do contact us for any training workshops on any preferred topic for your school teachers at your school campus.

Work Force Performance Empowerment

We conduct a range of training programs to empower your employees at all levels. Our training programs empower your workforce by honing their communication and decision-making skills. Empowerment programs provide huge benefits for your people, your team and the company bottom line.

A few programs conducted in the past:

  1. Awareness of Mental Health issues at workplace
  2. Self-Empowerment
  3. Managing Relationship Issues at Workplace
  4. Conflict Management
  5. Anger Management
  6. Stress Management
  7. Work Life Balance
  8. Emotional Intelligence at workplace

Contact us for empowering and training your work force on understanding mental health issues, increasing work performance and maintaining a peaceful work climate.

Student Empowerment Programs

Student empowerment programs are necessary to help students make decisions on their own and implement positive changes in school. Our student empowerment programs help engage students further in learning, offer a more democratic learning experience and push them to make the best use of the resources available in the school.

A few programs conducted in the past:

  • Everyday Happiness
  • Healthy Living
  • Relationship Management
  • Career Awareness and Counselling
  • Future and Beyond… Living for the eternity
  • Why not’s & have to’s
  • Living in the present for the future

Do contact us for empowering your students through workshops and training programs.

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